Wooden Stool Workshops





Come and learn the magic of greenwood from Charlie Thacker or Celi McCutcheon at the beautifully handcrafted Tree to Treen space at Grow Wilder in Bristol.

On this practical 2 day workshop, you will learn how to turn a log of freshly cut British hardwood into a beautiful piece of furniture that you and your friends/ family will admire for many years to come. I’ve designed the workshop so you’ll leave feeling empowered to embark on your own green woodworking journey with enough experience to experiment with making a wide range of traditional products.

Day 1:

  • Theory of green woodworking: Practical demonstration and discussion about tools, cleaving, types of timber, grain direction, and joinery
  • Cleaving and shaping legs and wedges using traditional tools – froe, drawknife, spokeshave, shave horse

Day 2:

  • Shaping seat
  • Setting up and drilling compound angles
  • Assembly and finishing

Best of all, not only will gain all this knowledge, but you’ll come away a wooden stool of your very own.



Charlie Thacker

Charlie Thacker (@thackerwoodcraft) has been working with greenwood for a number of years now having been an apprentice at the Cherry Wood Project in 2018. He is currently based at the Estate of the Arts and turns beautiful bowls on both the pole and power lathe as well as being a very capable greenwood builder (He was a driving force behind the building of the workshop at Grow Wilder). He has a passion for making stools and we’re very lucky to have him offering up his extensive knowledge on at least two stool making courses in 2022. More information is available on his website.

Charlie Thacker


Celi McCutcheon

Celi (@grownandmadewoodcraft) has been working with green wood for 11 years including completing an apprenticeship in woodland management and teaching green woodworking at the Cherry Wood Project near Bath. She is focused on making small useful items on the poles lathe, but is all about the connection between trees and the end product and enjoys all areas of woodland crafts and woodland management. She is a member of the craft council and the heritage craft association. You can read more about her work on her website.

Celi McCutcheon