Sharpening Workshop
Spend a great day learning how to sharpen greenwoodworking tools with Pete Lloyd. The morning will be spent focussing on the basics of sharpening straight edge tools such as knives, drawknifes and axes, and the afternoon will look into curved tools such as spoon knives and travishers.
Sharpening is a vital part of woodworking, and working with a sharp tool is much safer and makes everything more enjoyable.
If you have tools of your own, feel free to bring them along to learn how to sharpen them. There will also be other tools to learn from if you do not have tools of your own.
You can expect to get at least two tools razor sharp by the end of the day.

Pete Lloyd
Pete Lloyd (@feralpete ) has extensive experience of wood-carving and tool-making. Part of the original Barton Hill greenwoodworking group, he has been carving spoons, kuksas and bowls for many years. As a recent assistant to Nic Westermann & Hewn & Hone in Wales he spent many months tool & jig making, including grinding and sharpening tools to the correct angles.